I'm Stina, a certified life coach who is committed to helping women overcome their past and live their lives the way they were born to live.
I have spent the last 20 years in education and mentorship and am passionate about the work I'm doing to change women's lives. As an educator turned coach, I have developed a unique perspective when it comes to personal growth and development.
Influenced by my passion and perseverance, I believe each of us has the power to unlock our potential - some of just need help finding the keys.
The birth of Live Your Mosaic...
To write my entire journey would create a novel, but we'll start in the year 2012 when I met my best friend, Teresa. Not long after we met (like... a few minutes), Teresa declared myself her sister. We were inseparable, love us or hate us. We just had that unique connection that oh-so-rarely comes along in life. We were a packaged deal, thought the same thoughts, and breathed the same air.
On July 31, 2015, Teresa was involved a car crash, and on August 1, I said my final good-bye to her. Or so I thought...
As I was driving home from the hospital, I cry-asked out loud, "What is this world going to do without you?" I felt a jolt of energy move through my body and she replied, "The world isn't without me. It's just that I'm in you now." It took 6 years for me to figure out how we were supposed to work together. And it happened again, only this time, with more clarity. It was more like water flowing through my body, and she said, "You're an idiot, Stina. You're supposed to carry out what I started to do before I had the chance." Teresa's mission was to love the broken, lost, and cast aside from everyone else. Thus was born "Live Your Mosaic Life Coaching," because broken is beautiful.
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